'--') { $Data[49] = ($Data[49] == 'D')?'1':'0'; } # version fixer if(strlen($Data[38]) < 1) { $Data[38] = '--'; } # now clean it up and repack to save the realtime file foreach ($Data as $i => $val) { // replace missing values with '--' for results. if(strlen($val) < 1 ) { $Data[$i] = '--'; } $Data[$i] = preg_replace('| |','_',$Data[$i]); // fix embedded blanks if any } $out = join(' ',$Data); $MBrealtimeStatus = ''; $fp = fopen($outFileName, "w"); if ($fp) { $write = fputs($fp, $out); fclose($fp); } else { $perms = fileperms($outFileName); $permsdecoded = conds_decode_permissions($perms); $permsoctal = substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4); $MBrealtimeStatus = "

Failure: unable to write $outFileName permissions=$permsdecoded [$permsoctal]

\n"; } } else { print "

Failure: No weather conditions provided.

\n"; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # now create the SteelSeries JSON file using realtime+MBtags.php data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(isset($SITE['WXtags']) and file_exists($SITE['WXtags'])) { include_once($SITE['WXtags']); } else { return; } if(isset($SITE['realtimegauges'])) {$gaugeFile = $SITE['realtimegauges'];} // re-get the raw-data array in units of C,m/s,hPa,mm for updates. // the MBtags will already be in station-prefered units so use directly. $Data = explode(',', trim($_GET['d']) ); $Status = "// $Version \n"; /* needed output (with Cumulus tags cited below) is: {"date":"<#date format=hh:nn>", "temp":"<#temp>", "tempTL":"<#tempTL>", "tempTH":"<#tempTH>", "intemp":"<#intemp>", "dew":"<#dew>", "dewpointTL":"<#dewpointTL>", "dewpointTH":"<#dewpointTH>", "apptemp":"<#apptemp>", "apptempTL":"<#apptempTL>", "apptempTH":"<#apptempTH>", "wchill":"<#wchill>", "wchillTL":"<#wchillTL>", "heatindex":"<#heatindex>", "heatindexTH":"<#heatindexTH>", "humidex":"<#humidex>", "wlatest":"<#wlatest>", "wspeed":"<#wspeed>", "wgust":"<#wgust>", "wgustTM":"<#wgustTM>", "bearing":"<#bearing>", "avgbearing":"<#avgbearing>", "press":"<#press>", "pressTL":"<#pressTL>", "pressTH":"<#pressTH>", "pressL":"<#pressL>", "pressH":"<#pressH>", "rfall":"<#rfall>", "rrate":"<#rrate>", "rrateTM":"<#rrateTM>", "hum":"<#hum>", "humTL":"<#humTL>", "humTH":"<#humTH>", "inhum":"<#inhum>", "SensorContactLost":"<#SensorContactLost>", "forecast":"<#forecastenc>", "tempunit":"<#tempunitnodeg>", "windunit":"<#windunit>", "pressunit":"<#pressunit>", "rainunit":"<#rainunit>", "temptrend":"<#temptrend>", "TtempTL":"<#TtempTL>", "TtempTH":"<#TtempTH>", "TdewpointTL":"<#TdewpointTL>", "TdewpointTH":"<#TdewpointTH>", "TapptempTL":"<#TapptempTL>", "TapptempTH":"<#TapptempTH>", "TwchillTL":"<#TwchillTL>", "TheatindexTH":"<#TheatindexTH>", "TrrateTM":"<#TrrateTM>", "ThourlyrainTH":"<#ThourlyrainTH>", "LastRainTipISO":"<#LastRainTipISO>", "hourlyrainTH":"<#hourlyrainTH>", "ThumTL":"<#ThumTL>", "ThumTH":"<#ThumTH>", "TpressTL":"<#TpressTL>", "TpressTH":"<#TpressTH>", "presstrendval":"<#presstrendval>", "Tbeaufort":"<#Tbeaufort>", "TwgustTM":"<#TwgustTM>", "windTM":"<#windTM>", "bearingTM":"<#bearingTM>", "timeUTC":"<#timeUTC format=yyyy,m,d,h,m,s>", "BearingRangeFrom10":"<#BearingRangeFrom10>", "BearingRangeTo10":"<#BearingRangeTo10>", "UV":"<#UV>", "UVTH":<#UVTH>", "SolarRad":"<#SolarRad>", "CurrentSolarMax":"<#CurrentSolarMax>", "domwinddir":"<#domwinddir>", "WindRoseData":[<#WindRoseData>], "version":"<#version>", "build":"<#build>", "ver":"9"} */ # Set timezone in PHP5/PHP4 manner if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { putenv("TZ=" . $ourTZ); } else { date_default_timezone_set("$ourTZ"); } $sTempUOM = $SITE['uomTemp']; $sWindUOM = $SITE['uomWind']; $sBaroUOM = $SITE['uomBaro']; $sRainUOM = $SITE['uomRain']; // Note: $Data[] has info in C,m/s,hPa,mm irrespective of site selections. # Humidex $Data[42] = conds_calcHumidex ($Data[2],$Data[3],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); # Heat Index $Data[41] = conds_calcHeatIndex ($Data[2],$Data[3],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); # Times from timestamps $Data[27] = conds_timeOnly($Data[27]); $Data[29] = conds_timeOnly($Data[29]); $Data[31] = conds_timeOnly($Data[31]); $Data[33] = conds_timeOnly($Data[33]); $Data[35] = conds_timeOnly($Data[35]); $Data[37] = conds_timeOnly($Data[37]); # 1 hour changes if available # input Barotrend in hPa if($Data[18] !== '--') { $Data[18] = conds_convertBaro($Data[10]-$Data[18],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); } # Temperature trend in C if($Data[25] !== '--') { $Data[25] = conds_convertTempRate($Data[2]-$Data[25],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); } # wind direction // $Data[11] = conds_deg2dir ($Data[11]); // $Data[51] = conds_deg2dir ($Data[51]); // Assemble the JSON data array for output $JSONdata = array(); $JSONdata["date"] = $Data[1]; // (this is really 'time') WD Sample= '3:39 PM' $JSONdata["dateFormat"] = ($WDdateMDY)?'m/d/y':'d/m/y'; // WD Sample= 'm/d/y' $JSONdata["temp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[2],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F' $JSONdata["tempTL"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[28],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.4°F' $JSONdata["tempTH"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[26],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F' $JSONdata["intemp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[22],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '73.2' $JSONdata["dew"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[4],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.9°F' $JSONdata["dewpointTL"] = $WX['th0dew-dmin']; // WD Sample= '30.1 °F' $JSONdata["dewpointTH"] = $WX['th0dew-dmax']; // WD Sample= '40.8 °F' // Note: Meteobridge does not provide apparent temperature .. we substitute Humidex $JSONdata["apptemp"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '63.4' $JSONdata["apptempTL"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '32.2' $JSONdata["apptempTH"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '72.3' $JSONdata["wchill"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[24],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F' $JSONdata["wchillTL"] = $WX['wind0chill-dmin']; // WD Sample= '34.4 °F' $JSONdata["heatindex"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7°F' $JSONdata["heatindexTH"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7 °F' $JSONdata["humidex"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '61.6°F' $JSONdata["wlatest"] = conds_convertWind($Data[6],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.0 mph' $JSONdata["wspeed"] = conds_convertWind($Data[5],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.4 mph' $JSONdata["wgust"] = conds_convertWind($Data[40],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '7.0 mph' $JSONdata["wgustTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '11.0 mph' $JSONdata["bearing"] = round($Data[11]); // WD Sample= '292 °' $JSONdata["avgbearing"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '311°' $JSONdata["press"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[10],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.138 in.' $JSONdata["pressTL"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[36],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.124 in.' $JSONdata["pressTH"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[34],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.229 in.' $JSONdata["pressL"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amin']; // WD Sample= '26.001' $JSONdata["pressH"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amax']; // WD Sample= '30.569' $JSONdata["rfall"] = conds_convertRain($Data[9],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00 in.' $JSONdata["rrate"] = conds_convertRain($Data[8],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00' $JSONdata["rrateTM"] = $WX['rain0rate-dmax']; // WD Sample= '0.000' $JSONdata["hum"] = $Data[3]; // WD Sample= '33' $JSONdata["humTL"] = $WX['th0hum-dmin']; // WD Sample= '31' $JSONdata["humTH"] = $WX['th0hum-dmax']; // WD Sample= '86' $JSONdata["inhum"] = $Data[23]; // WD Sample= '32' $JSONdata["SensorContactLost"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '0' $JSONdata["forecast"] = 'Conditions updated: '.$Data[1]; // WD Sample= 'increasing clouds and warmer. precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hrs. windy.' $JSONdata["tempunit"] = preg_match('|C|i',$sTempUOM)?'C':'F'; // WD Sample= 'F' $JSONdata["windunit"] = trim($sWindUOM); // WD Sample= 'mph' $JSONdata["pressunit"] = trim($sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= 'inHg' $JSONdata["rainunit"] = trim($sRainUOM); // WD Sample= 'in' $JSONdata["temptrend"] = conds_convertTempRate($Data[25],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '+1.0 °F/last hr' $JSONdata["TtempTL"] = $Data[29]; // WD Sample= '7:40 AM' $JSONdata["TtempTH"] = $Data[27]; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM' $JSONdata["TdewpointTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '7:40 AM' $JSONdata["TdewpointTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmaxtime']); // WD Sample= '9:16 AM' $JSONdata["TapptempTL"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '7:13 AM' $JSONdata["TapptempTH"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '1:14 PM' $JSONdata["TwchillTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['wind0chill-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:19 PM' $JSONdata["TheatindexTH"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM' $JSONdata["TrrateTM"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '00:00 AM' $JSONdata["ThourlyrainTH"] = '00:00'; // conds_convertRain($Data[47],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '' $JSONdata["LastRainTipISO"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '1/12/2013 4:12 AM' $JSONdata["hourlyrainTH"] = '0.0'; // WD Sample= '0.000' $JSONdata["ThumTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:22 PM' $JSONdata["ThumTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmaxtime']);; // WD Sample= '8:05 AM' $JSONdata["TpressTL"] = $Data[37]; // WD Sample= '2:18 PM' $JSONdata["TpressTH"] = $Data[35]; // WD Sample= '10:09 AM' $JSONdata["presstrendval"] = $Data[18]; // WD Sample= '-0.019 in. ' $JSONdata["Tbeaufort"] = 'F'.round($Data[12]); // WD Sample= '3' $JSONdata["TwgustTM"] = $Data[33]; // WD Sample= '2:19 PM' $JSONdata["windTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '6.2 mph' $JSONdata["bearingTM"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '315' $fixedTimestamp = strtotime(conds_fixupDate($Data[0],false).' '.$JSONdata["date"]); $JSONdata["timeUTC"] = gmdate('Y,m,d,H,i,s',$fixedTimestamp); // WD Sample= '2013,01,20,23,39,59' $JSONdata["BearingRangeFrom10"] = '359'; // WD Sample= '289°' $JSONdata["BearingRangeTo10"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '6°' $JSONdata["UV"] = $Data[43]; // WD Sample= '0.7' $JSONdata["UVTH"] = $Data[58]; // WD Sample= '7.7' $JSONdata["SolarRad"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '267' $JSONdata["CurrentSolarMax"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '238' $JSONdata["SolarTM"] = $WX['sol0rad-dmax']; // WD Sample= '560' $JSONdata["domwinddir"] = conds_deg2dir($Data[46]); // WD Sample= 'Northwesterly' $JSONdata["WindRoseData"] = '[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]'; // Note: Meteobridge does not collect/publish this windrose data // a WD Sample='[22.0,23.0,7.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,233.0,139.0]' // $uomWindRun = (preg_match('|C|',$uomTemp))?'km/h':'mph'; $JSONdata["windrun"] = '0.0'; // new in ver=9 -- Meteobridge does not collect windrun $JSONdata["version"] = $Data[38]; // WD Sample= '10.37R' $JSONdata["build"] = $Data[39]; // WD Sample= '45' $JSONdata["ver"] = "10"; // constant); // JSON assembly done. Output the JSON file+status if($doDebug) { print "
  } else {
	header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1");
$out = '';

$out .= '{';
$comma = '';
foreach ($JSONdata as $key => $val) {
	$out .= $comma;
	$out .= "\"$key\":\"$val\"";
	$comma = ",\n";
$out .= "}\n";
if($doDebug) { $out .= $Status; }
$MBgaugesStatus = '';
  $fp = fopen($gaugeFile, "w");
  if ($fp) {
	$write = fputs($fp, $out);
  } else {
	$perms = fileperms($gaugeFile);
	$permsdecoded = conds_decode_permissions($perms);
	$permsoctal = substr(sprintf('%o', $perms), -4);
	$MBgaugesStatus =  "

Failure: unable to write $gaugeFile permissions=$permsdecoded [$permsoctal]

\n"; } if(strlen($MBrealtimeStatus) + strlen($MBgaugesStatus) > 0 ) { print $MBrealtimeStatus."\n".$MBrealtimeStatus."\n"; } else { print "


\n"; } return; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_timeOnly #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_timeOnly ($indatetime) { // Return HH:MM (24hr time format) // expecting // 0....+....1....+ // 20110622061003 // yyyymmddhhMMss return(substr($indatetime,8,2).':'.substr($indatetime,10,2)); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_deg2dir - Convert wind direction degrees to cardinal name #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_deg2dir ($degrees) { // figure out a text value for compass direction // Given the wind direction, return the text label // for that value. 16 point compass $winddir = $degrees; if ($winddir == "--") { return($winddir); } if (!isset($winddir)) { return "---"; } if (!is_numeric($winddir)) { return($winddir); } $windlabel = array ("N","NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW","SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"); $dir = $windlabel[ fmod((($winddir + 11) / 22.5),16) ]; return($dir); } // end function conds_deg2dir #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VWS support function - getBeaufort #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getBeaufort ($rawwind) { global $Debug; // first convert m/s in MBrealtime to knots $WINDkts = round($rawwind * 1.94384); // return a number for the beaufort scale based on wind in knots if ($WINDkts < 1 ) {return(0); } if ($WINDkts < 4 ) {return(1); } if ($WINDkts < 7 ) {return(2); } if ($WINDkts < 11 ) {return(3); } if ($WINDkts < 17 ) {return(4); } if ($WINDkts < 22 ) {return(5); } if ($WINDkts < 28 ) {return(6); } if ($WINDkts < 34 ) {return(7); } if ($WINDkts < 41 ) {return(8); } if ($WINDkts < 48 ) {return(9); } if ($WINDkts < 56 ) {return(10); } if ($WINDkts < 64 ) {return(11); } if ($WINDkts >= 64 ) {return(12); } return("0"); } // end getBeaufortNumber #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # support function - conds_fixupDate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_fixupDate ($indate,$WDdateMDY) { // input: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy format global $Status; $d = explode('/',$indate); // expect ##/##/## form if(!isset($d[2])) {$d = explode('-',$indate); } // try ##-##-#### form instead if ($d[2] > 70 and $d[2] <= 99) {$d[2] += 1900;} // 2 digit dates 70-99 are 1970-1999 if ($d[2] < 99) {$d[2] += 2000; } // 2 digit dates (left) are assumed 20xx dates. if ($WDdateMDY) { $new = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d',$d[2],$d[0],$d[1]); // M/D/YYYY -> YYYY-MM-DD } else { $new = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d',$d[2],$d[1],$d[0]); // D/M/YYYY -> YYYY-MM-DD } $Status .= "// fixupDate in='$indate' out='$new' \n"; return ($new); } // end conds_fixupDate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions to handle conversions # MB support function - conds_convertTemp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_convertTemp ($rawtemp,$inunit,$useunit) { $dpTemp = 1; if(!is_numeric($rawtemp)) { return($rawtemp); } // no conversions for missing values if (preg_match('|F|i',$inunit)) { $tempC = ($rawtemp-32.0) / 1.8; } else { $tempC = $rawtemp * 1.0; } # Temperature now in C if (preg_match('|F|i',$useunit)) { // convert C to F return( sprintf("%01.${dpTemp}f",round((1.8 * $tempC) + 32.0,$dpTemp))); } else { // leave as C return (sprintf("%01.${dpTemp}f", round($tempC*1.0,$dpTemp))); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_convertTempRate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_convertTempRate ($rawtemp,$inunit,$useunit) { // convert temperature RATE of change $dpTemp = 1; if(!is_numeric($rawtemp)) { return($rawtemp); } // no conversions for missing values if (preg_match('|F|i',$inunit)) { // convert F to C rate return( sprintf("%01.${dpTemp}f",round($rawtemp / 1.8,$dpTemp))); } else { // leave as C return (sprintf("%01.${dpTemp}f", round($rawtemp*1.0,$dpTemp))); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_conds_convertWind #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_convertWind ( $rawwind,$inunit,$useunit) { global $Status; $using = ''; $WIND = ''; $dpWind = 1; // first convert all winds to knots if($rawwind == '--') {return ($rawwind); } $WINDkts = 0.0; if (preg_match('/kts/i',$inunit)) { $WINDkts = $rawwind * 1.0; } elseif (preg_match('/mph/i',$inunit)) { $WINDkts = $rawwind * 0.8689762; } elseif (preg_match('/mps|m\/s/i',$inunit)) { $WINDkts = $rawwind * 1.94384449; } elseif (preg_match('/kmh|km\/h/i',$inunit)) { $WINDkts = $rawwind * 0.539956803; } else { $WINDkts = $rawwind * 1.0; } // now $WINDkts is wind speed in Knots convert to desired form and decimals if (preg_match('/kmh|km\/h|km/i',$useunit)) { // output KMH $WIND = sprintf($dpWind?"%02.${dpWind}f":"%d",round($WINDkts * 1.85200,$dpWind)); $using = 'KMH'; } if (preg_match('/mph/i',$useunit)) { $WIND = sprintf($dpWind?"%02.${dpWind}f":"%d",round($WINDkts * 1.15077945,$dpWind)); $using = 'MPH'; } if (preg_match('/mps|m\/s/i',$useunit)) { $WIND = sprintf($dpWind?"%02.${dpWind}f":"%d",round($WINDkts * 0.514444444,$dpWind)); $using = 'M/S'; } if (preg_match('/kts|kn|kt|knots/i',$useunit)) { $WIND = sprintf($dpWind?"%02.${dpWind}f":"%d",round($WINDkts * 1.0,$dpWind)); $using = 'KTS'; } $Status .= "// convertWind($rawwind m/s) [$WINDkts kts] to '$WIND' $using \n"; return($WIND); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_convertBaro #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_convertBaro ( $rawpress,$inunit,$useunit ) { $dpBaro = 1; // for hPa,mb,mm $BARO = 0.0; if(preg_match('|inHg|i',$inunit)) { $BARO = $rawpress * 33.86388158; // convert to hPa } else { $BARO = $rawpress * 1.0; } if (preg_match('/hPa|mb/i',$useunit)) { return (sprintf("%02.${dpBaro}f",round($BARO * 1.0,$dpBaro))); // leave in hPa } elseif (preg_match('/mm/i',$useunit)) { return (sprintf("%02.${dpBaro}f",round($BARO * 0.750061561303,$dpBaro))); } else { $dpBaro = 2; return (sprintf("%02.${dpBaro}f",round($BARO / 33.86388158,$dpBaro))); // inHg } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_calcconvertRain #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_convertRain ( $rawrain,$inunit,$useunit ) { $dpRain = 1; // for mm if($rawrain == '--') {return($rawrain); } if(preg_match('|in|i',$inunit)) { // convert in->mm $RAIN = $rawrain * 25.3970886; } else { $RAIN = $rawrain * 1.0; } # rain now in MM if (preg_match('/in/i',$useunit)) { $dpRain = 2; return (sprintf("%02.${dpRain}f",round($RAIN / 25.3970886,$dpRain))); } else { return (sprintf("%02.${dpRain}f",round($RAIN * 1.0,$dpRain))); // leave in mm } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_calcHumidex #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_calcHumidex ($temp,$humidity,$inunit,$useunit) { // Calculate Humidex from temperature and humidity // Source of calculation: http://www.physlink.com/reference/weather.cfm global $Debug; if(preg_match('|F|i',$inunit)) { $T= conds_convertTemp($temp,'F','C'); } else { $T = $temp; } $H = $humidity; $t=7.5*$T/(237.7+$T); $et=pow(10,$t); $e=6.112*$et*($H/100); $humidex=$T+(5/9)*($e-10); if ($humidex < $T) { $humidex=$T; $Debug .= " set to T, "; } if(preg_match('|F|i',$useunit)) { # convert to F $humidex = sprintf("%01.1f",round((1.8 * $humidex) + 32.0,1)); } $humidex = round($humidex,1); return($humidex); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MB support function - conds_calcHeatIndex #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function conds_calcHeatIndex ($temp,$humidity,$inunit,$useunit) { // Calculate Heat Index from temperature and humidity // Source of calculation: http://woody.cowpi.com/phpscripts/getwx.php.txt global $Debug; if(preg_match('|C|i',$inunit)) { $tempF = round(1.8 * $temp + 32,1); } else { $tempF = round($temp,1); } $rh = $humidity; // Calculate Heat Index based on temperature in F and relative humidity (65 = 65%) if ($tempF > 79 && $rh > 39) { $hiF = -42.379 + 2.04901523 * $tempF + 10.14333127 * $rh - 0.22475541 * $tempF * $rh; $hiF += -0.00683783 * pow($tempF, 2) - 0.05481717 * pow($rh, 2); $hiF += 0.00122874 * pow($tempF, 2) * $rh + 0.00085282 * $tempF * pow($rh, 2); $hiF += -0.00000199 * pow($tempF, 2) * pow($rh, 2); $hiF = round($hiF,1); $hiC = round(($hiF - 32) / 1.8,1); } else { $hiF = round($tempF,1); $hiC = round(($hiF - 32) / 1.8,1); } $Debug .= "\n"; return($heatIndex); } #--------------------------------------------------------- # decode unix file permissions #--------------------------------------------------------- function conds_decode_permissions($perms) { if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { // Socket $info = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { // Symbolic Link $info = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { // Regular $info = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { // Block special $info = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { // Directory $info = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { // Character special $info = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $info = 'p'; } else { // Unknown $info = 'u'; } // Owner $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); // Group $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); // World $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info; } ?>