Caractéristiques/Altitude'); define('RMNET_STATE', 'Nation'); define('RMNET_STATION','Station'); define('RMNET_CURHEAD', 'Cond.'); define('RMNET_CONDL','Conditions actuelles'); define('RMNET_TEMP', 'Temp.'); define('RMNET_TEMPL', 'Température'); define('RMNET_DEWPT', 'Point de rosée'); define('RMNET_DEWPTABBREV','PR'); define('RMNET_HUM', 'Humid.'); define('RMNET_HUML', 'Humidité'); define('RMNET_AVGWIND', 'Vents'); define('RMNET_GUSTWIND', 'Rafales'); define('RMNET_GUSTABBREV', 'R'); define('RMNET_WINDL', 'Direction et vitesse du vent/rafale'); define('RMNET_WIND', 'Vent'); define('RMNET_WINDFROM', 'Vents du'); define('RMNET_PRECIPS', 'Pluie'); define('RMNET_PRECIPSL', 'Pluie de la journée'); define('RMNET_BAROB', 'Pression'); define('RMNET_BAROT', 'Tendan.'); define('RMNET_BAROL', 'Pression et tendance'); define('RMNET_SNOB', 'Neige'); define('RMNET_TXTGUST', 'Rafale'); define('RMNET_DATAUPDT', 'Dernière mise à jour'); define('RMNET_NOCOND', 'Aucun bulletin des conditions actuelles'); define('RMNET_TOWN',"Nom de la municipalité"); define('RMNET_CBI', 'Fire
Danger'); define('RMNET_CBILEGEND','Fire Danger [Chandler Burning Index]'); define('RMNET_CBI_EXTREME','Extreme'); define('RMNET_CBI_VERYHIGH','Very High'); define('RMNET_CBI_HIGH','High'); define('RMNET_CBI_MODERATE','Moderate'); define('RMNET_CBI_LOW','Low'); define('RMNET_OFFLINE',"Offline"); // text to display on mesomap when station data is stale/not available // for javascript animation control button lables define('RMNET_RUN', 'Animer'); define('RMNET_PAUSE', 'Pause'); define('RMNET_STEP', 'Étapes'); define('RMNET_CONDSFROM', 'Les données des conditions météo furent recueillies au cours de périodes
de'); // date-time appears define('RMNET_CONDSTO', 'à'); // the following functions are used to translate various things .. // replace the '...' after the => in each of the arrays below for local language // do not change the '..' before the => .. it is the key used for the lookups // Wind direction abbreviations function RMNET_lang_winddir($rawd) { $txtdir = array( 'N' => 'N', 'NNE' => 'NNE', 'NE' => 'NE', 'ENE' => 'ENE', 'E' => 'E', 'ESE' => 'ESE', 'SE' => 'SE', 'SSE' => 'SSE', 'S' => 'S', 'SSW' => 'SSO', 'SW' => 'SO', 'WSW' => 'OSO', 'W' => 'O', 'WNW' => 'ONO', 'NW' => 'NO', 'NNW' => 'NNO', ); if(isset($txtdir[$rawd])) { $txtdire = $txtdir[$rawd]; } else { $txtdire = $rawd; } return $txtdire; } // Barometer trend abbreviations function RMNET_lang_barotrend($rawe) { $txtbarot = array( 'Rising' => 'Hausse', 'Falling Slowly' => 'Baisse lentement', 'Rising Slowly' => 'Hausse lentement', 'Falling' => 'Baisse', 'Rising Rapidly' => 'Hausse rapide', 'Falling Rapidly' => 'Baisse rapide', 'Steady' => 'Fixe' ); if(isset($txtbarot[$rawe])) { $txtbart = $txtbarot[$rawe]; } else { $txtbart = $rawe; } return $txtbart; } function RMNET_lang_stationfeatures($rawg) { $txtfeat = array( 'Weather, Lightning, WebCam' => 'Météo, CaméraWeb, Foudre', 'Weather, WebCam, Lightning' => 'Météo, CaméraWeb, Foudre', 'Weather, WebCam' => 'Météo, CaméraWeb', 'Weather, Lightning' => 'Météo, Foudre', 'Weather' => 'Météo' ); $temp = preg_replace('|\,\s*|s',', ',trim($rawg)); //echo "\n\n"; if(strlen($temp) > 0 and isset($txtfeat[$temp])) { $txtfeatu = $txtfeat[$temp]; } else { $txtfeatu = $rawg; } return $txtfeatu; } // Condition names (based on standard WD icon names) function RMNET_lang_WXconds($rawh) { $txticon = array( 'Sunny' => 'Ensoleillé', 'Clear' => 'Dégagé', 'Cloudy' => 'Nuageux', 'Cloudy2' => 'Nuageux2', 'Partly Cloudy' => 'Partiellement nuageux', 'Dry' => 'Sec', 'Fog' => 'Brume', 'Haze' => 'Brouillard', 'Heavy Rain' => 'Pluie abondante', 'Mainly Fine' => 'Plutôt dégagé', 'Mist' => 'Brume matinale', 'Heavy Rain' => 'Pluie abondante', 'Overcast' => 'Couvert', 'Rain' => 'Pluie', 'Showers' => 'Averses', 'Snow' => 'Neige', 'Thunder' => 'Foudre', 'Overcast' => 'Couvert', 'Partly Cloudy' => 'Partiellement nuageux', 'Rain' => 'Pluie', 'Rain2' => 'Pluie2', 'Showers2' => 'Averses2', 'Sleet' => 'Pluie verglaçante', 'Sleet Showers' => 'Averses de de pluie verglaçante', 'Snow' => 'Neige', 'Snow Melt' => 'Neige fondue', 'Snow Showers2' => 'Averses de neige2', 'Sunny' => 'Ensoleillé', 'Thunder Showers' => 'Orages violents', 'Thunder Showers2' => 'Orages violents2', 'Thunder Storms' => 'Orages', 'Tornado' => 'Tornade', 'Windy' => 'Venteux', 'Stopped Raining' => 'Cessé de pleuvoir', 'Wind/Rain' => 'Vent/Pluie' ); if(isset($txticon[$rawh]) ) { $txticons = $txticon[$rawh]; } else { $txticons = $rawh; } return $txticons; } // lookup for Region names (optional) function RMNET_lang_region($rawr) { $txtregions = array( // put 'english region name' => 'translated region name', here 'Netherlands' => 'Pays-Bas', 'Belgium' => 'Belgique', 'Luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg', ); if(isset($txtregions[$rawr])) { $tregion = $txtregions[$rawr]; } else { $tregion = $rawr; } return $tregion; } // lookup for Timezone names (optional) function RMNET_lang_fixTZname ($timestring) { $tstr = $timestring; $tSF = strftime("%Z",time()); // might be long-form name $tRE = date('T',time()); // normal 3 or 4 character abbreviation if($tSF !== $tRE) { // fix long form to short form if needed $tstr = str_replace($tSF,$tRE,$tstr); } $timeZoneAbbrev = array( // Put entries here like 'EST' => 'whatever', ... 'EET' => 'EET', 'EEST' => 'EEST', ); if (isset($timeZoneAbbrev[$tRE]) ) { $temp = str_replace($tRE,$timeZoneAbbrev[$tRE],$tstr); if($temp <> '') { $tstr = $temp; } } return $tstr; } // ---------------------end of mesonet-map-lang-fr.txt------------------------------- ?>